Monday, November 19, 2012

Fast Fat Loss Diet after one week

Hello guys,

week ago I posted information about Fat Loss Diet that was based on three food groups: Meat, legumes and vegetable. I mixed and matched those three groups.
One week has passed and I am here to share my experiences. Some of you might ask, why am I doing, does it make sense to stay on diet just one week, how could I lost some body fat in only one week?
I am a personal trainer and this is not only about exercise, but also nutrition. You can workout for hours, but then eat all the junk food you have at home and see not results. Some of you might be dieting, starving, trying all kinds of different diets. We all are different and what works on one, does not have to work on the other. My goal was to try if this diet works and how I feel.
How did I do with this Fast fat loss diet? For one week I gave up dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) and carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread, cereals, potatoes) and limited fruits. Replaced it with egg whites, meat, beans. Believe it or not, this diet is working and I saw my body shrinking in couple days. I did my fat burn workouts, steady cardio and weight training. All together it made great changes with my body. My muscles are more defined, I am leaner, my abs is stronger and I lost some belly fat.
After all, is it working? I say YES! Who would I recommend? If you do not like milk, dairy products and fruit, if you like meet, beans and vegetable, then it is perfect for you!
Fast Fat Loss Diet
Fast Fat Loss Diet after one week
What I mostly ate:
  • boiled egg whites
  • meat with vegetables and beans
  • chicken soup
  • baked vegetable with eggs
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