Wednesday, November 14, 2012

60 DaysTraining - DAY 43

Hello guys,

excellent training for today.
Sometimes we need a little push or "wake up" workout. Especially when you feel unmotivated, lazy, tired - yes at this moment you should do this kind of interval training that gives you more energy and starts your day great.
Fat burn workouts are excellent, not only because you lose fat during workout, but also within 24 hours after the workout. Powerful movements improve your endurance and build the strength.
Another challenge are "sit ups"- try to do up to 50 sit ups.
I promise, you will feel awake, great and full of energy. You, your body is worthed!
Enjoy the workout!:-)

  1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 15
  2. ABS - SIT UPS (50)

1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 15

  • interval training
  • do as many reps in each minute as you can
  • complete 3 rounds
  • modify whenever you need to
One round:
  1. jump rope, 4min
  2. squat x atlernate leg lift, 1min
  3. alternate lunge back x knee up, 1min
  4. burpees, 1min
  5. turkish sit up, 1min
  6. plank: alternate leg lift, 1min
  7. bicycle crunch, 1min

  • do not skip this part of the training
  • do up to 50 sit ups

Correct form:
  • keep your knees bent
  • balls of your feet and heels are placed flat on the floor
  • cross your arms on your chest or keep them behind your head with elbows wide open
  • keep your core strong, pull in your abs towards the spine
  • lift your head, followed by your shoulder blades
  • pull up from the floor untill you are ninety degree angle or when elbows are on or past the knees
  • hold it for a second as you are up

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