Tuesday, November 20, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 46

Hello guys,

funny thing I see in the gym. Men are working out in men`s area on their chest, shoulders and arms, women are working out on women`s machine toning glutes, thighs, innerthighs, hamstrings.
Our focus is usually on one part of the body, but what makes our body looking "damn" good is when body is proportional. That means men are working also lower body and women are toning also upper body.
If your goal is to build bigger muscles take heavier weights and do less repetitions in slower pace. If your goal is to tone and be leaner, use moderate weights and do more repetitions in faster pace.
Enjoy the workout!




  • use 5-8lbs dumbbells
  • do 20-30reps of each exercise
  • have a short rest between each exercise

Workout training:
  1. biceps curl, 30reps
  2. hammer curl, 30reps
  3. front raises, 30reps
  4. side raises, 30reps
  5. alternate dumbbell cross jab, 30reps
  6. tricep kickbacks, 30reps


Let`s do interval training, 1min run really fast and one minute walk slow. Do it for 30min. Interval training has so many benefits. You boost your metabolism, burn hundreds of calories during the trainig and within 24 hours after the training, improve endurance and develop strength. Interval training is great for someone who wants to move to higher fitness level.
Training: interval
Type of training: jogging x walking
Where: Indoor (Treadmill or jog in place) or outdoor
Total time: 30min
Intervals: 1min jog x 1min walk

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Fast Fat Loss Diet after one week

Hello guys,

week ago I posted information about Fat Loss Diet that was based on three food groups: Meat, legumes and vegetable. I mixed and matched those three groups.
One week has passed and I am here to share my experiences. Some of you might ask, why am I doing, does it make sense to stay on diet just one week, how could I lost some body fat in only one week?
I am a personal trainer and this is not only about exercise, but also nutrition. You can workout for hours, but then eat all the junk food you have at home and see not results. Some of you might be dieting, starving, trying all kinds of different diets. We all are different and what works on one, does not have to work on the other. My goal was to try if this diet works and how I feel.
How did I do with this Fast fat loss diet? For one week I gave up dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) and carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread, cereals, potatoes) and limited fruits. Replaced it with egg whites, meat, beans. Believe it or not, this diet is working and I saw my body shrinking in couple days. I did my fat burn workouts, steady cardio and weight training. All together it made great changes with my body. My muscles are more defined, I am leaner, my abs is stronger and I lost some belly fat.
After all, is it working? I say YES! Who would I recommend? If you do not like milk, dairy products and fruit, if you like meet, beans and vegetable, then it is perfect for you!
Fast Fat Loss Diet
Fast Fat Loss Diet after one week
What I mostly ate:
  • boiled egg whites
  • meat with vegetables and beans
  • chicken soup
  • baked vegetable with eggs
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Saturday, November 17, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 45

Hello guys,

how are you feeling? I tell you, I trained yesterday my friend in the gym and we did yesterday`s training with kettlebell and then jump rope 15min and I am repeating his words: Pavla, you kicked my but!
It is actually great feeling to be little bit sore, feel your muscles, because no pain, no gain!
Today`s training is dynamic sweat total body workout and plank challenge for two minutes. Can you do it?

  • PLANK - 2MIN


  • interval training
  • do 3-4 rounds depends on your fitness level
  • do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • warm up and stretch after workout

One round:
  1. jump up, alternate side, 1min
  2. alternate front kick x jump, 1min
  3. push up x alternate side plank, 1min
  4. jump forward x squat down x jump back x squat down, 1min
  5. alternate side kick x jumping jack, 1min


Can you hold in plank position for two minutes?

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 44

Hello guys,

how did you do abs challenge - sit ups? How long did it take you to complete all those 50reps?
Today training is painful too.:-)
Do you want to have nice, toned, shaped butt? You need to do two things. Strengthen your butt and do aerobic activity (cardio) to lose body fat.
In today`s training I use kettlebell 20lbs and jump rope. If you do not have it (not everyone has kettlebell), simply find something heavy at home (potatoes, heavy bag...). If you do not have jump rope, modify and instead of jumping do jogging. Can you do 15min jump rope? I am sure it is for most of us great challenge.
Let`s do this!


2. CARDIO - JUMP ROPE - 15min

  • use kettlebell 20lb, if you do not have it, use something heavy
  • 15reps of each exercise
  • 3 rounds
One round:
  1. sumo squat x upright row, 15reps
  2. sumo squat x alternate twist row, 15reps
  3. dead lift x upright row, 15reps
  4. leg lift to the side x upright row, 15reps
  5. switch the leg, leg lift to the side x upright row, 15reps


Why jump rope? Last time you did jump rope was in elementary school? Or you think it is for kids? The thing is that jump rope is an extremely effective form of exercise. Jump rope use every muscle in the body, especially calf muscles and abs. Your core has to contract hard to stabilize your entire body.
The other great thing about jump rope is that this exercise helps to release your fat burning hormon (HGH). That means when you do jump rope your body releases HGH hormone, which burns body fat like crazy!
Let`s doit! 15min of jump rope. You can also make it more fun and do intervals with jump rope. One minute jump rope and 30sec rest. 1min jump rope and 30sec rest.
You will feel all your muscles after this, I already know!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

60 DaysTraining - DAY 43

Hello guys,

excellent training for today.
Sometimes we need a little push or "wake up" workout. Especially when you feel unmotivated, lazy, tired - yes at this moment you should do this kind of interval training that gives you more energy and starts your day great.
Fat burn workouts are excellent, not only because you lose fat during workout, but also within 24 hours after the workout. Powerful movements improve your endurance and build the strength.
Another challenge are "sit ups"- try to do up to 50 sit ups.
I promise, you will feel awake, great and full of energy. You, your body is worthed!
Enjoy the workout!:-)

  1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 15
  2. ABS - SIT UPS (50)

1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 15

  • interval training
  • do as many reps in each minute as you can
  • complete 3 rounds
  • modify whenever you need to
One round:
  1. jump rope, 4min
  2. squat x atlernate leg lift, 1min
  3. alternate lunge back x knee up, 1min
  4. burpees, 1min
  5. turkish sit up, 1min
  6. plank: alternate leg lift, 1min
  7. bicycle crunch, 1min

  • do not skip this part of the training
  • do up to 50 sit ups

Correct form:
  • keep your knees bent
  • balls of your feet and heels are placed flat on the floor
  • cross your arms on your chest or keep them behind your head with elbows wide open
  • keep your core strong, pull in your abs towards the spine
  • lift your head, followed by your shoulder blades
  • pull up from the floor untill you are ninety degree angle or when elbows are on or past the knees
  • hold it for a second as you are up

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fat BurnWorkout + Abs (30min), #15

Hello guys,

I hope you are well rested and ready for another great Fat burn workout.
Let`s shock your body, burn lots of calories, burn fat, tone your muscles and get stronger, leaner.

Try this workout, feels awesome!


  • interval training
  • do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • complete 3 rounds
  • modify whenever you need to

One round:
  1. jump rope, 4min
  2. squat x alternate leg lift, 1min
  3. alternate lunge back x knee up, 1min
  4. burpees, 1min
  5. turish sit up, 1min
  6. plank - alternate leg lift, 1min
  7. bicycle crunch, 1min

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Legs, Butt and Abs Workout

Hello guys,

This workout routine is very simple, easy to follow and believe it or not, very effective. Squats, lunges, cross lunges, dead lifts, plie are one of the best exercises to strengthen your lower body and get rid of cellulite.
As I was on the beach I thought about you guys and wanted to share with you very special moment and atmosphere in Dominican republic. This training takes only few minutes, but if you add warm up routine and stretching, you get a complete excellent workout.
Enjoy the workout!

  • keep your core strong
  • keep your back flat
  • shoulders back
  • do up to 30reps of each exercise
  • go fast, but keep the proper form
  • enjoy!

Workout routine:
  1. squat, 30reps
  2. lunge 30reps
  3. cross lunge 30reps

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60 Days Training- DAY 42

Hello guys,

REST day! 
I love rest days. Our body needs rest, recover from the work during the whole week. In my rest days I go for a nice walk, sleep a lot, enjoy the food I stay away during the week.
I also went out dancing with a friend of mine as you can see on the picture above. I had few drinks (raspberry vodka) and I can honestly say the other day I felt a little bit sick. My body is just not used to alcohol. I had great time, rested enought for the next week full of great workouts.
Enjoy your week!

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fast Fat Loss Diet

Hello guys,

Lot of people around me ask me very typical question: how to lose fat fast.
I always answer - eat everything in moderation, exercise and live healthy. Easy said, sometimes hard to follow. Especially when it comes to stressful situation it is hard to follow healthy diet rules and sometimes there is lack of motivation to workout.
I was thinking about one of my friend who is overweight - what diet would be the best, because we all are different and what works on me does not have to work on others. There are so many opinions about dieting, so many diets and of course they work, because if you rapidly change your eating habits, you do lose weight. But how to lose FAT without "yoyo" effect, losing muscles and water? It is all about what you eat and if you eat food that support keeping/growing muscles, then it is the right way to go. According to latest research the most safe and effective diet is high protein/ low carb diet. As I said the best is eat everything in moderation, but for some people, especially overweighted, it is hard to know what "moderation" is (half plate of food, one plate of food, two plates of food?) What food is heatlhy and what food to avoid. I have been asked many times if fried fish is a healthy meal.
I try to eat heatlhy - lot of vegetables, fruits, low fat diary, lean protein (chicken, fish, beef..), minimize carbs (especially bread, sugary cereals..). That is the best eating style for me.
The diet I found is similar to my eating habits, that is why I like that diet, because I do not change RAPIDLY my eating habits, but I do small changes, which are the best for reaching the goal. If you jump into new diet with huge changes, there is high possibility you give up. It is not for everyone. I give you as much information about the diet as I know and can, but others is up to you.
I start this diet tomorrow, I will make a pictures of meal and post it. For breakfast I am going to have eggwhites and vegetable. For lunch beef, beans and vegetable. For dinner chicken with vegetables and beans. I am going to miss milk and fruits a lot, but I want to try this challenge.

Have a great day and if you want to try this challenge with me, be strong and do not give up. One week is a short time.


FACTS ABOUT THIS DIET (source: www.fourhourworkweek.com)
  • you can lose up to 20lbs in 30 days by optimizing exercise and diet
  • with this diet you keep your muscles and water
  • it is low carb diet and high protein diet

  1. WHITE CARBOHYDRATES - those food are prohibited except for within 1,5 hours of finishing a resistance training workout (at least 20min in length): bread, rice, cereals, potatoes, pasta and fried food
  1. Eat the same few meal over and over again (the most successful dieters with goal fat loss or muscle gain recommend to eat the same few meal over and over again).
  2. Mix and match each meal from three food groups: protein, legumes, vegetables
  3. Don`t drink calories (drink water, unsweetened ice tea, tea, coffee or other no calorie/low calorie beverages). You should not drink milk, soft drinks, fruit juices.
  4. Take one day off per week - it is your gone wild day. This day you are allowed to eat whatever you want. If you eat that day whatever you want, you do not want to look at any of it for the rest of the week. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn`t downregulate from extended caloric restriction
FOOD GROUPS - match and mix

  • PORK
  • PEAS

Example of meals:
  • scrambled egg whites with one whole egg, black beans, mixed vegetables
  • grass fed organic beef, pinto beans, mixed vegetables, extra guacamole
  • grass fed organic beef, lentils, mixed vegetables
  • post workout pizza with extra chicken, cilantro, pineapple, garlic, sundried tomatoes, bell peppers, red onions

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 41

Hello guys,

I came back from vacation in Dominican republic and feel absolutely amazing.
It was interesting to see who is addicted to fitness and who is just "talking" about fitness. Fitness addicted people were in the gym every day instead of having fun on the beach or the bar in the swimming pool. Fitness "talkers" were drinking all day long tasty alcoholic drinks. My favorite drink was "coco-loco", very sweet, tasty, refreshing and high in calories. Life is about tasting everything, but in moderation. If you know how much you burn in your workout, then you know how much you can afford to "cheat" in your diet.
The beach was incredible and I was tempting to workout and share that moment with you. I did couple videos and I wish I could live there and do videos for you like that every day.
Training today is great, first glutes burner (new video from the beach) and then calorie burner with kickbox (older video) focusing on your abs.
Let`s workout together!
  • keep your core strong
  • keep your back flat
  • shoulders back
  • do up to 30reps of each exercise
  • go fast, but keep the proper form
  • enjoy!
Workout routine:
  1. squat, 30reps
  2. lunge 30reps
  3. cross lunge 30reps
Workout routine:
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. jab x cross x jab x cross x side kick (one leg) x side kick (other leg), 1min
  3. switch side and do the same, 1min
  4. jab x cross x jab x cross x zig zag x knee up, 1min
  5. switch side and do the same
  6. 4 counts twist x 4 counts zig zag, 1min
  7. front kick (right leg) x back kick (left leg) x side kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg), 1min
  8. switch side: front kick (left leg) x back kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg) x side kick (right leg), 1min
  9. jump rope, 2min
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Monday, November 5, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 40

Hello guys,

Fat burn workouts are excellent for burning fat and calories quickly, boosting metabolism, improving endurance, developing strength.
Simply said - if you want to look leaner, fit, healthy, muscular, this routine is great for you. For best results watch your diet, make healthy choices.
Have a great day and let`s workout together!


1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 5

1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 5

  • interval training, do maximum reps in each minute
  • try to do between 30 -50 reps in each minute, challenge yourself
  • have 10-15sec rest between each exercise
  • stretch after workout

One round:
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. push up, 1min
  3. jump rope, 1min
  4. alternate lunge back, 1min
  5. alternate lunge forward, 1min
  6. squat x jump, 1min
  7. squat, 1min
  8. triceps dip, 1min
  9. cross lunges, 1min
  10. mountain sky climber, 1min
  11. burpees, 1min
  12. Abdominals:
a) center crunches, 1min
b) elbow x opposite knee touch and reach, 1min
c) switch arm and leg and elbow x opposite knee touch and reach, 1min
d) plank: touch your foot (one side), 1min
e) plank: switch and touch your foot (other side), 1min


Any aerobic activity is great for you every day.
For this day I choose roller skating for about one hour. My legs were so sore afterwards and I had an awesome feeling.
Other cardio activities are jogging, brisk walking, swimming, kickbox, spinning, hiking....

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