Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), #1

Hello guys,

Try this challenging 30 minutes Fat Burn Workout + Abs. Speed up your metabolism, burn thousand of calories, lose fat, get in great shape and tone your muscles. We all are different fitness level, so keep that on your mind.
You are limited by the time and also number of repetition. The reason I am mentioning also number of reps is that I want you to go really fast. There is a big difference if you do 10 lunges in one minute or 40 lunges in one minute, right?
More reps you do in each minute, more calories you burn and better results you have.

Enjoy great sweaty workout!


  • do each exercise (except for jump rope / high knees) up to 1min, do not exceed 1min
  • have a quick rest between exercises (10-15sec)
  • my recommendation is to do 50reps in each exercise. That might be too many for someone, so set your goal and do less. (For example 50 push ups are too many for me, so my goal is 30.  But 30 lunges is not challenging for me, so I do 50)
  • at the end of this routine there are 3 exercises focusing on your abdominals
  • finish the workout with jump rope or high knees

  1. warm up with jump rope or high knees, 5min
  2. push ups, 1 min (goal up to 50)
  3. squat x alternate crunch (knee x elbow touch), 1min (goal up to 50)
  4. turkish sit up, 1min (goal up to 50)
  5. right leg: Lunge forward x touch toes, 1min (goal up to 50)
  6. left leg: Lunge forward x touch toes, 1min (goal up to 50)
  7. right leg: Lunge back x knee crunch, 1min (goal up to 50)
  8. left leg: Lunge back x knee crunch, 1min (goal up to 50)
  9. burpees, 1min (goal up to 50)
  10. alternate leg side lift, 1min (goal up to 50, elastic band is optional)
  11. dips, 1min (goal up to 50)
  12. squat x jack, 1min (goal up to 50)
  13. Abs: bicycle crunch, 1min
  14. Abs: leg lifted and twist your torso, hands touch the ground, 1min
  15. Abs: reverse crunch x knees up on your shoulders, 1min
  16. the end: jump rope or high knees, 5min

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs - only 30min every day

Hello guys,

I prepared for you new series of Fat Burn Workout + Abs.
Are you ready to see and feel results quickly? I tested all those workouts on me while I was in the Czech republic and all I can tell is: IT WORKS! Transform your body without going to the gym and get excellent results.
Routines are simple, high x low impact (for more challenge you can use jump rope and elastic band). At the end of each routine I present abs exercises, to make this routine complete and the most effective.
If your goal is to lose weight and tone your body quickly, Fat Burn Workout + Abs are great combination for you.
I am sure, you gonna enjoy all of them and be happy with your results.


Fat Burn Workout + Abs - all in 30min!
  • only 30min every day
  • excellent for losing weight, getting in great shape, toning muscles, improving endurance and building the strength
  • see and feel results quickly

Benefits of Fat Burn Workout + Abs
  • you burn hundreds of calories
  • elevate your metabolism, so you burn more calories and lose fat faster
  • boost metabolism
  • improve/increases your strength and endurance
  • increase your speed
Who is Fat Burn Workout + Abs for?
  • for someone, who is short of time
  • who wants to lose fat
  • who wants to get stronger and leaner
  • who wants to see results soon

Why it works?
  • Fat Burn Workout + Abs is performed at a high intensity which raises your heart rate faster, raises your metabolism longer after workout
  • helps to lose fat nine times more than steady cardio

What is the key of Fat Burn Workout + Abs
  • is not allowing your body to adopt. Adapting to a certain level of intensity will allow your body to fall into steady state and it will beging conserving rather than burning fat,
  • by changing your pace and pushing yourself through each interval you achieve your fitness goals,
  • you can make the workouts harder or easier, depending on what yo uare trying to accomplish.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Cleansing Diet - One day Detox diet

Hello guys,

last couple days I felt tired more then usual, had lack of energy. You might sometimes feel the same.
One day Detox diet is focused on removing toxins from the body and allows our bodies to focus on self-healing.

The goal is to:
  • increase energy level,
  • stimulate digestive health,
  • clear headaches,
  • remove bloating,
  • improve concentration and mood,
  • avoid getting allergies,
  • regain our natural ability to ward off colds and flu,
  • prevent premature aging and disease.
Foods to eat and drink:
  • organic fruits and vegetables
  • clear water
  • freshly squeezed juices (cucumbers, apples, carrot, ginger, garlic, beet, broccoli...)
  • green tea
Foods to avoid:
  • dairy and animal products
  • bread, pasta, grain, cereal
  • chocolate,
  • nuts,
  • sauces,
  • pickled vegetables, canned fruit
  • alcohol and cigarettes,
  • coffee and tea (except for green and herbal)

variation of fruit or fruit puree (what you have and like - berries, apple, plum, orange...)

SNACK - fruit or vegetable smoothies
LUNCH - it can be vegetable soup or vegetable salad.

SNACK - fruit smoothies (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, banana, you can be creative and add fruits you like)

DINNER - it is important to keep calories low, but nutrition high. A vegetable puree soup is great source of energy and nutrients you need. It can be spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, zucchini, onion, garlic, carrots, sweet potatoes, beens
  • 1/2 cauliflower,
  • 3 long carrots,
  • 2 tomatoes,
  • 1 onion,
  • 4 cloves of garlic,
  • 3 cups of water,

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Great Defined Abs Workout

Hello guys!

How are you? I hope you are doing great!

I have ready for you another great strengthening workout routine for your entire abs. I like to switch routines, so your body can never get used to it. Whenever I do this routine I feel my core is stronger and more defined. Great workout!

For best results incorporate cardio to your training, or Fat Burn Workout and stay on clean diet. Yes, your abs start in the kitchen.

Try it and let me know, how you like it.

Have a great day!


  • Strengthening training
  • Do 20 - 30reps of each exercise
  1. oblique arm sweep, 20-30reps
  2. knee drops, 20-30reps
  3. side plank and hip touch the ground x lift, 20-30reps
  4. switch side, side plank and hip touch the ground x lift, 20-30reps
  5. reverse crunch x legs lift up and reach, 20-30reps
  6. hip lift, 20-30reps
  7. bird dog x alternate leg back, 20-30reps

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

2012 Resolution - # 19 Eat High Fiber Foods

Hello guys!

New Resolution is here and it is all about "Fiber". Fiber is an important part of the diet and typically comes from plant based foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Eating fiber rich whole foods is the best way to increase your fiber intake.

Main benefits of eating fiber
  • promoting good digestion
  • lowering cholesterol levels
  • helping with weight loss
  • reducing the risk of certain type of cancer
  • helping to avoid hemorrhoids

How much fiber you should get per day?
  • Women should get about 25grams
  • Men at least 35 - 40 grams at least

Now you know, how much fiber to eat and why. Honestly, do you eat enough fiber?
Let`s make your diet and your body healthier and start today.

Have a great day!


Fiber content of some common foods

FruitsServing sizeTotal fiber (grams)*
Raspberries1 cup8.0
Pear, with skin1 medium5.5
Apple, with skin1 medium4.4
Strawberries (halves)1 1/4 cup3.8
Banana1 medium3.1
Orange1 medium3.1
Figs, dried2 medium1.6
Raisins2 tablespoons1.0
Grains, cereal & pastaServing sizeTotal fiber (grams)*
Spaghetti, whole-wheat, cooked1 cup6.2
Barley, pearled, cooked1 cup6.0
Bran flakes3/4 cup5.3
Oat bran muffin1 medium5.2
Oatmeal, quick, regular or instant, cooked1 cup4.0
Popcorn, air-popped3 cups3.5
Brown rice, cooked1 cup3.5
Bread, rye1 slice1.9
Bread, whole-wheat or multigrain1 slice1.9
Legumes, nuts & seedsServing sizeTotal fiber (grams)*
Split peas, cooked1 cup16.3
Lentils, cooked1 cup15.6
Black beans, cooked1 cup15.0
Lima beans, cooked1 cup13.2
Baked beans, vegetarian, canned, cooked1 cup10.4
Sunflower seed kernels1/4 cup3.9
Almonds1 ounce (23 nuts)3.5
Pistachio nuts1 ounce (49 nuts)2.9
Pecans1 ounce (19 halves)2.7
VegetablesServing sizeTotal fiber (grams)*
Artichoke, cooked1 medium10.3
Peas, cooked1 cup8.8
Broccoli, boiled1 cup5.1
Turnip greens, boiled1 cup5.0
Sweet corn, cooked1 cup4.2
Brussels sprouts, cooked1 cup4.1
Potato, with skin, baked1 medium2.9
Tomato paste1/4 cup2.7
Carrot, raw1 medium1.7
*Fiber content can vary between brands.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Motivation & Smile

Hi guys,

as I was on the way to the gym, I wanted to say "hi" to you and share with you, what keeps me going when I lose motivation to workout.
I am sure you know the feeling, when you are lazy to exercise. Finding all excuses, why not to work out...you are tired, you worked out hard and enough yesterday, you feel little bit sick or you do not feel attractive today. You are simply not motivated.
What helps me to work out every day? It is very simple thing - smile and energy from people, who workout hard. When I have those lazy days I push myself, go to the gym and look at people, who workout. I am looking for a smile, that gives me so much power and energy.
Find your inspiration and motivation. It might be someone, who exercises every day, hard, no matter if it is sunny, windy or cloudy.  Consistency is the key in fitness. You never know, who is watching you and thinking of you as very inspiring person.
Motivate, inspire others and give them your smile.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Healthy, Easy Meal

Hello guys,

some days are very hectic, but we need to eat to live. In those days I plan ahead and prepare meal.
Yes, it would be easier to buy something on the way, but I like to stay away from fast food, I like to eat healthy and also I like to save money instead of spending it in restaurant.

Tip: Stock up your freezer with chicken breasts and frozen vegetable.
After long day when I come home, I have meal ready to eat, so I do not eat all of that "before meal".

What you need:
  • olive oil, 3 table spoons
  • chicken breasts
  • 1 onion
  • garlic
  • 2-3 cups of frozen vegetable (beens, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green peas...)
  • spices you like
All ingredients put into a baking pan, covered with wrap and cook in the oven for 45min.

It is healthy, tasty, light and most important, it is ready when I am hungry after workout.


I am not professional photographer, so photos are taken from my phone:-)

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stretch For Sciatica Pain Relief

Hello guys,

This stretching routine is great for the ones, who suffer from lower back pain (sciatic pain).  
Exercise is usually better for relieving sciatic pain than bed rest. You might rest for a day or two, but after some time, inactivity will make the pain usually worse.  You need to strengthen your abdominals and back muscles.
Try this routine, take your time and enjoy it.


  1. Prone position on elbows, lift up and hold for 5-30sec, repeat 10times
  2. prone position on hands, lift up and hold for 5-30sec, repeat 10times
  3. one arm x opposite leg lift and hold, 5-30sec, repeat 10times
  4. switch arm x opposite leg lift and hold, 5-30sec, repeat 10times
  5. lie on your back and bring the knee in (up to your chest) and press, 5-30sec, repeat 10times
  6. switch leg and bring the knee in and press, 5-30sec, repeat 10times
  7. prone twist pose, 5-30sec, repeat 10times
  8. switch leg and prone twist post, 5-30sec, repeat 10times

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Delicious Snack For Weight Loss

Hi guys,

I would like to share with you delicious snack I had. I think it is great tip for weight loss snack. Light, tasty and easy to make.
Grilled onion, peppers and asparagus. It was delicious. Healthy, ligth, tasty, smoky flavor, tender, but still with tittle crunch. Seriously good.
I could eat them all day long.:-). Yum!


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Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Training On Saturday

Hello guys,

What is your workout schedule?

As i teach group fitness classes, my workout schedule is the same each week.
I try to spice it up with different cardio routine. Mix of steady cardio and intervals makes it challenging and never boring.
Saturday is my "cardio" day, it takes me about 1,5 hour and I burn about 1000 calories at least.

My training:

  • 30min stair climber fat burn mode (11 or 12 level, cca 400 calories burn)
  • 30min running x walking on treadmill, (one min walk speed 3, one min run speed 9.5-9.9, cca 360-400 calories burn)
  • 50 push ups
  • abs (any of abs video)
  • stretching
I love the feeling after the workout. Did you know that people who workout are happier? I can tell it works for me!
What is your workout schedule and do you workout on Saturday?


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Friday, May 11, 2012

Women Talk - Loose skin after pregnancy/quick weight loss


Hi guys,

I have to say it again. You motivate me and inspire me so much.
This video is for all the  miserable women, who are unhappy with loose skin. Especially after pregnancy or quick weight loss.
Many times I got this question: "What should I do with sugging skin and stretch marks?
It is great that you lost many pounds, but quick weight loss brings a high risk of loose skin.
Believe it or not, it is better for your body to lose weight slowly rather then quickly. Slower weight loss 1-2 pounds a week can help with your skin`s elasticity.

What are the factors of causing loose skin after a significant weight loss?
  1. elasticity of your skin (there is an inherent elasticity in everyone`s skin, but once you get to a certain size, the elasticity decreases) 
  2. age
  3. genetics

What helps to lose some extra skin?
  • maintaining a lower fat diet
  • eating lean proteins
  • eating water rich foods like fruits and vegetables
  • hydration (it is crucial)
  • exercises to tone up the skin by adding muscle, so you can form a tight layer under your skin
  • mix of strengthening training and endurance training (cardio)
  • if someone exercises vigorously then use sport drinks with electrolytes
Instead of being unhappy and frustrated, accept your body the way it is. Accept it with loose skin and stretch marks. If you have followed those tips and advises, there is nothing else (except for the surgery) you can do. Just be happy the way you are. You are beautiful.

Hugs to you,


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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Boop Lift Workout


strengthening training

Nice, strong, firm breast. How many of us would like to have great boops?
I think all of us, woman or man, we all want to look great, feel great.
For women nice, lifted, firm boops are a symbol of feminity. For men strong chest is a symbol of musculinity.

Try this workout routine. You will be surprised by quick results already after couple weeks.

I use 8lbs dumbbells. Do 3 rounds.

Enjoy it!

One set
1. Pec press, 20reps
2. Chest flyes, 20reps
3. Push ups, 20reps
4. Isometric chest contraction, count till 20

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Czech Grand Canyon + my biceps flexing:-))




Hello guys,

As you know, I am currently in the Czech republic. I love the beauty of nature. The weather here is incredibly nice - sunny and warm.
 I am posting this video, just to say hello to you from Brno. With little fantasy it reminds me Grand Canyon! What do you think?
Also one of you asked me to do a biceps flexing, why not? I like to make people happy!:-))

Enjoy your day!


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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Awesome Glutes Workout


strengthening training

Great, excellent, very simple, but very effective routine for your glutes, hamstring, lower back and abs. This one is one of my favourite, because of its awesome results. Shape your butt without any excuse.
I use 5lbs and 8lbs dumbbells. If you do not have any dumbbells at home, try to find something heavy or place the ball under the knee and keep it squeezed, so you keep your knee flexed all the time.
First use 8lbs dumbbells, then 5lbs dumbbells, then without dumbbells.
Challenge yourself, but whenever you need to, you can switch 8lbs dumbbells to 5lbs dumbbells or you can drop those weights.

Right leg
  • 8lbs dumbbells
  1. up and down, slow tempo (up on two and down on two), 8reps
  2. up and down, faster tempo, 8reps
  3. up x cross x up x down, 8reps
  4. up x cross, 8reps
  • 5lbs dumbbells
  1. up and down, 8reps
  2. side x center, 8reps
  3. up x down, 8reps,
  4. from up go higher and back to the center, 8reps
  5. pulse, 8reps
  • without dumbbells
  1. keep the leg extended, go down, touch the ground and lift up, 8reps
  2. hamstring curl, 8reps
  3. little circle, 8reps
Left leg
  • 8lbs dumbbells
  1. up and down, slow tempo (up on two and down on two), 8reps
  2. up and down, faster tempo, 8reps
  3. up x cross x up x down, 8reps
  4. up x cross, 8reps
  • 5lbs dumbbells
  1. up and down, 8reps
  2. side x center, 8reps
  3. up x down, 8reps,
  4. from up go higher and back to the center, 8reps
  5. pulse, 8reps
  • without dumbbells
  1. keep the leg extended, go down, touch the ground and lift up, 8reps
  2. hamstring curl, 8reps
  3. little circle, 8reps

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2012 Resolution #18: Eat Colorful food


#18 Eat colorful food - eating a rainbow

We already know that eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day is very important. 
You can get the best all-around health benefits. Each different color fruit and vegetables contains unique health components that are essential to our health.

Benefits of fruits and vegetables
  • are whole foods, created by nature
  • are rich in a large amount of nutrients
  • have fiber, vitamins and enzymes
  • help prevents heart disease and strokes, diverticulitis, control your blood pressure,
  • prevent some types of cancers
  • guards against cataract and macular degeneration or vision loss
Try to get as much color variety in your diet as possible, so that you can maximize your intake of a broad range of nutrients. By getting a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables, you are guaranteed a diverse amount of essential vitamis and minerals.

Red Fruits and Vegetables

Contain nutrients such as lycopene, ellagic acid, Quercetin, and Hesperidin, to name a few. These nutrients reduce the risk of prostate cancer, lower blood pressure, reduce tumor growth and LDL cholesterol levels, scavenge harmful free-radicals, and support join tissue in arthritis  cases.

 Orange and Yellow fruits and vegetables

Contain beta carotene, zeaxanthin, flavonoids, lycopene, potassium, and vitamin C. These nutrients reduce age-related macula degeneration and the risk of prostate cancer, lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, promote collagen formation and healthy joints, fight harmful free radicals, encourage alkaline balance, and work with magnesium and calcium to build healthy bones.

Green vegetables and Fruit

Green vegetables contain chlorophyll, fiber, lutein, zeaxanthin, calcium, folate, vitamin C, calcium, and Beta-carotene. The nutrients found in these vegetables reduce cancer risks, lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, normalize digestion time, support retinal health and vision, fight harmful free-radicals, and boost immune system activity.

 Blue and purple fruits and vegetables

Contain nutrients which include lutein, zeaxanthin, resvetrol, vitamin C, fiber, flavonoids, ellagic acid, and quercetin. Similar to the previous nutrients, these nutrients support retinal health, lower LDL cholesterol, boost immune system activity, support healthy digestion, improve calcium and other mineral absorption, fight inflammation, reduce tumor growth, act as an anticarcinogens in the digestive tract, and limit the activity of cancer cells.

White fruits and vegetables
Contain nutrients such as beta-glucans, EGCG, SDG, and lignans that provide powerful immune boosting activity. These nutrients also activate natural killer B and T cells, reduce the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers, and balance hormone levels, reducing the risk of hormone-related cancers.

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Modification In Pregnancy


tips for workout

If you have any serious problems, such as vaginal bleeding, dizziness, headaches, chest pain, decreased fetal movement or contractions, stop exercising and contact your health care provider immediately.
  1. plank position - stay on your knees
  2. push ups - stay on your knees
  3. crunches (abs exercise) - avoid lying on your back, bring your knees on a side (semirecumbent position)
  4. press over head - if you have problem with your low back, avoid press over head. If you do not have problems with low back, you can do press over head, but not for a long time (up to 3min should be fine). Listen to your body signals, your body will tell if something is wrong.
  5. jump rope - replace with fast marching
  6. instead of high impact use low impact (one foot is always on the floor)
  7. replace prone positions (plank) with lying on your elbows and knees
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