Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Training On Saturday

Hello guys,

What is your workout schedule?

As i teach group fitness classes, my workout schedule is the same each week.
I try to spice it up with different cardio routine. Mix of steady cardio and intervals makes it challenging and never boring.
Saturday is my "cardio" day, it takes me about 1,5 hour and I burn about 1000 calories at least.

My training:

  • 30min stair climber fat burn mode (11 or 12 level, cca 400 calories burn)
  • 30min running x walking on treadmill, (one min walk speed 3, one min run speed 9.5-9.9, cca 360-400 calories burn)
  • 50 push ups
  • abs (any of abs video)
  • stretching
I love the feeling after the workout. Did you know that people who workout are happier? I can tell it works for me!
What is your workout schedule and do you workout on Saturday?


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