Thursday, May 17, 2012

Motivation & Smile

Hi guys,

as I was on the way to the gym, I wanted to say "hi" to you and share with you, what keeps me going when I lose motivation to workout.
I am sure you know the feeling, when you are lazy to exercise. Finding all excuses, why not to work are tired, you worked out hard and enough yesterday, you feel little bit sick or you do not feel attractive today. You are simply not motivated.
What helps me to work out every day? It is very simple thing - smile and energy from people, who workout hard. When I have those lazy days I push myself, go to the gym and look at people, who workout. I am looking for a smile, that gives me so much power and energy.
Find your inspiration and motivation. It might be someone, who exercises every day, hard, no matter if it is sunny, windy or cloudy.  Consistency is the key in fitness. You never know, who is watching you and thinking of you as very inspiring person.
Motivate, inspire others and give them your smile.


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