Monday, June 4, 2012

Anti-Aging Superfood

Hello guys,

we all want to be healthy, look perfect and be happy. Healthy diet is important if you want to reach your fitness goals. You can make your diet healthier with smart choices.
Anti-aging superfoods have been around for ever, but we have been so brain washed into eating fast foods, pre packaget and pre cooked food, that we have forgotten what older generation taught us.

My grandmother died when she was 96, my grandfather died when he was 94. They both were living very heatlhy, I remember my grandpa used to exercise every morning, he always did 30 push ups, 30 knee bend, 30 sit up. Grandma always told me to eat blueberries, almonds, honey and dark chocolate.

Anti-aging superfoods are honest to goodness fresh fruits, veggies, fish, nuts, beans, natural honey and dark chocolate. They are high in antioxidants or Omega 3s.

If we stop eating manufactured processed food, we could all live healthier lives. Change your habits and start eating healthier with anti-aging superfoods.
Check out the list of Anti-aging superfoods.

With love,


Anti-aging superfoods:
  1. acai berries (contain powerful antioxidants)
  2. almonds (lower cholesterol, vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, magnesium and potassium)
  3. avocado (contain about 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients)
  4. bananas (high in potassium)
  5. beans
  6. berries, cherries, grapes (excellent source of antioxidants)
  7. blueberries (best absorbable antioxidants)
  8. broccoli (great source of beta carotene, vitamin K, C, selenium and chromium, contains  potassium, calcium)
  9. chocolate (unsweetened dry powder or bar - antioxidant power)
  10. garlic and onions (allium, flavonoids - help to fight cancer)
  11. green tea (anticancer and antioxidant effects)
  12. ginger root (great as food and also in medicine)
  13. honey (vitamins, minerals, darker honey contains more antioxidants than lighter honey)
  14. kiwi (tons of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals)
  15. oats (cholesterol lowering power, enhances the immune system, stabilizes blood sugar, excellent source of fiber)
  16. olive oil (monounsaturated fat, lowers blood pressure)
  17. oranges (high in vitamins, which boost the immune system)
  18. pomegranates (high in vitamins C, potassium, good source of fiber)
  19. pumpkin (loaded with antioxidants, beta carotenes, carotenoids)
  20. red wine (loaded with antioxidants)
  21. salmon (loaded with Omega 3s)
  22. spinach (excellent source of vitamin C, A)
  23. tomatoes (packed with potassium)
  24. turkey (low in fat, high in protein)
  25. yogurt (live yogurt)

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