Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fit Tip - Intervals on the bike

Hello guys,

recently I have tried new cardio routine on the bike and want to share it with you, because I liked it so much and it was new challenge for me. I like to keep my cardio workout interesting, fun and effective.
Aerobic exercise also known as "cardio" is one of the best things you can do for your body, whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or improve your health. There are plenty of choices for cardio exercise. Great choices for cardio are: running, cross-country skiing, bicycling, elliptical, swimming, step aerobics, rowing, kickboxing, walking, jumping rope.
Cycling is an excellent cardio workout. By using the power of your legs, you increase endurance while burning lots of calories (250-500 in 30min), depending on your intensity and resistance of the workout. Cycling is excellent low impact workout, great for your joints.

When i tried intervals on the bike I started to get sweat after 6min. It is great challenge, no doubt. Interval training helps to fight osteoporosis, boost metabolism, improve endurance, build strength, reduce stress and also control appetite.

If you want to lose weight, get in great shape, improve endurance and develop strenght, try interval training. For best results 3 times per week.
I highly recommend interval training on the bike, so give it a try. Your body deserve it, you deserve it.


Fit tip - Intervals on the bike

Total time: 20min, calorie burn: 250-500
Warm up: 5min, level 13
sprint: 1min (go as fast as you can), level 13
recover: 2min, level 13
sprint: 1min, level 13
recover: 2min, level 13
sprint: 1min, level 13
recover: 2min, level 13
sprint: 1min, level 13
recover: 2min, level 13
cool down: 3min, level 12-1

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