Friday, June 15, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), #3

Hello guys,

About a year ago I set myself a fitness goal. My goal was and still is to get stronger, leaner, improve my fitness level and endurance. So far, I can say I reached my goal and I am still working on myself. How do I know, that I reached my goal? It is not about weight. It is about strength and endurance, it is about the number of repetitions I am able to do in each minute in interval training and ability to breathe through the workout. And because I do track number of reps in each routine, I see improvement and I am proud of myself.

Now, back to you guys. What is your goal? Are you really working hard to reach your goal? Do you do smart healthy diet choices? Are you consistent in your training? If so, you should see your results.

Try this great Fat Burn Workout routine, only 30min, but I promise, you will burn lots of calories, burn fat, improve your fitness level and get in great shape!

Stay focused, never give up and be proud of yourself. That is the key to your success and happiness.


  • it is interval training
  • try to do maximum reps in each minute
  • you can have quick rest between each minute 5-15sec
  • in each minute try to do 30reps and more up to 50reps
  • there is big difference if you do only 10 push ups in a minute or 30 push ups, so challenge yourself, do your best!
  • stretch after workout
  • it is fun, so enjoy it!
  1.  jump rope, 5min
  2. squat x jump, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  3. alternate lunge back x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  4. alternate cross lunge x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  5. alternate lunge forward x kick, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  6. squat x twist, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  7. in plank alternate leg lift, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  8. push ups, 1min - up to 30 reps or more
  9. reverse push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  10. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  11. jumping jacks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  12. cross country sky, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  13. spider, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  14. kicks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  15. push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  16. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  17. sumo squat, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  18. jump rope, 5min
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