Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), #2

Hello guys,

while I was in the Czech republic, I have decided not to attend the gym. I had few reasons for it. One of the reason was to save the money and have a rest from the gym, because I almost live in the gym and it is good to have a rest from the gym once a while.

I am very active person, so after 3 days of visiting my family and friends, I decided to do at least 30min of intensive workout (HIIT) every day. Instead of spending hours in the gym I spent every day only 30min and had better results than working out in the gym. I could see great changes on my abs, glutes, legs, also my arms got much stronger.

Nobody is born to be perfect. Perfect is made by us. Only you can make your body perfect and it is worthy.

Lots of energy to all of you,


Complete two rounds, take a very short brake between each exercises (5-10sec) and try to do as many reps in each minute as possible.

One round
  1. jumping jacks, 1min
  2. twist, 1min
  3. low jack, 1min
  4. cross country sky, 1min
  5. squats, 1min
  6. alternate lunge back x kick, 1min
  7. right leg: alternate lunge forward x knee up, 1min
  8. left leg: alternate lunge forward x knee up, 1min
  9. alternate leg back, 1min
  10. push ups, 1min
  11. dips, 1min
  12. right leg: single leg dead lift, 1min
  13. left leg: single leg dead lift, 1min
  14. bicycle crunches, 1min
Join me:


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