Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Strong, healthy, beautiful back workout

Hello guys,

Strengthening the back is extremely important because you use your back in most day to day activities. From walking and sitting, lifting groceries, kids...Your back muscles are incredibly important for getting you through each day.
Having a strong back is going to do much more for you than just helping you look great from behind. In order to develop the best back possible you need to combine exercises that target the major muscles of the latissimus dorsi (lats) and the trapezius (traps), as well as the muscles that run along the lenght of the back - the erector spinae.
Try this simple workout routine to strengthen your back and feel healthy, great, beautiful and sexy.

Enjoy the workout, feel great and lots of energy to all of you!


  • use 5 or lbs dumbbells
  • do up to 30reps of each exercise
  1. press over head, 30reps
  2. reverse fly, 30reps
  3. right arm: dumbbell row in plank or on knees, 30reps
  4. left arm: dumbbell row in plank or on knees, 30reps
  5. superman, 30reps

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Fit Tip: How to get flat abs

Hello guys,

we all want to have flatter abdominals. Women after pregnancy, men who wants to impress someone or anyone else. The best it would be if we would start training program today and have defined abs tomorrow. Unfortunately it does not work this way.

To have great abs you need to remember those magic words:
1. PERSISTENCE  - getting abdominals is a hardship. You have to be dedicated and train hard, like anything you want in life.  Keep in your mind that you need to train consistently to get results.

2. PATIENTE - never give up. Do not expect to have great abs tomorrow. It takes time and effort. Best advice is to take a photo of your abs today and photo each following week. You will be surprised by your results.

Interval training - is considered as the best and most effective cardio exercise to lose belly fat. Interval training can be done outside or inside the house or gym.
Intervals can be done on the bike, treadmill, elliptical and also in the swimming pool. It can be done also outside running x walking.
Try to do interval training at least 2-3 times per week for 15-30min. You should have 24hours recovery between interval training.

Intervals on the treadmill: 1min slow walk (speed 2,5) x 1min fast running (speed up to 9,5) for 15-30min,
Intervals on the bike: 2min recovery x 1min go as fast as you can (15-30min)

Why is interval training so popular?
  • it saves you time, only 15-30 minutes
  • it is a great way to get beyond a plateau
  • it is FUN, not like the same training every day
  • it is easy to follow
  • burns lot of calories during and after workout
  • speeds up metabolism
  • improves endurance
  • develops strength
Steady cardio - Steady cardio is perfect for beginners. The thing about steady state workouts is that they allow beginners to start off at their own pace and increase their productivity in time. Elliptical, cycle, treadmill are great ways to build your confidence, stamina and strength. Another advantage of steady state cardio workouts is that they can be less demanding then interval cardio workouts, depending on how often and how long you do them.
Tip: Do steady cardio 4-5times per week 30-45min (cycling, jogging, swimming, aerobic classes..)

4. STRENGTH TRAINING - is the key to a flat stomach. You need to strengthen and tighten the muscles that surround your stomach. 
Tip: check out Abs workouts videos, there are many different routines for your abdominals. 

5. HEALTHY DIET - you do strengthening training, you do cardio and still can not reach your goal? Your problem is in your diet.
The key i to take in less calories everyday than you burn working out. That deficiency in calories is what helps burn fat. burning fat helps you get a flat stomach, because even if you have strong abdominal muscles, fat can lay on top of the muscle. this will not make your stomach appear flat.
Your diet should be rich in whole grains, unsaturated fats, protein and all the important vitamins and minerals you need. Avoid or minimize eating sugary food, alcohol, fatty meals. Cut out the late night snack.
Tip: check out "Perfect Nutrition" to find out what food to eat and avoid.

Believe me, if you keep those five words in your mind, you will reach your goal. If I can do it, you can do it too.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Workout Plan

Hello guys,

you asked me about the training/workout plan. You already know, that you can do the miracle with your body if you do exercise. If your goal is to get perfect lean, strong, fit body, follow the workout plan.
For best results watch your diet and follow healthy diet tips.
Do not expect results in two days, it takes time to transform your body to perfect one. Be patient, constant, goalseeking and optimistic.
I promise, if you follow my workout and diet tips, you reach your goal and will be very proud of yourself. You will be perfect!

Welcome aboard, enjoy workouts, never give up!



  • you can add one routine of Abs workout

  • you can add 10min cardio (jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging...)

  • you can add one routine of Abs workout

  • you can add 15min cardio (jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging...)

  • you can add one routine of Abs workout

  • CARDIO 15min (jogging, walking, swimming, jumping jacks, jump rope...)

  • Week is over and you did great! Rest day is essential in training. Your body needs recover between exercises. 
  • Stay active, but relax. Sunday is perfect day for massage. Treat yourself like a queen or king. Your body deserve it, YOU deserve it! 

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Neither Pavla nor anyone associated with Perfectleanbody.com will be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at your home, gym or elsewhere. Consult a doctor before starting any exercise program.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), #4

Hello guys,


New Fat Burn Workout + Abs, #4 is here.
While I was in the Czech republic I did every day fat burn workout + abs. You can get in great shape without going to the gym. Only 30min every day and you burn fat, burn hundreds calories, boost metabolism. At the end of the workout there are Abs exercises.
Interval training is considered as one of the most effective way to lose fat quickly, improve endurance, improve strength.  

Enjoy the workout and your day!


  • it is interval training, do maximum reps in each minute
  • try to do 30-50reps, depends on your fitness level
  • have a quick rest between exercises (5-10sec)
I. part - Fat Burn
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. mountain sky climber, 1min, up to 30-50reps
  3. alternate side lunge, 1min, up to 30-50reps
  4. push ups, 1min, up to 50reps
  5. squat x alternate leg side, 1min, up to 30-50reps
  6. kicks, 1min, up to 30-50reps
  7. left leg: side lunge, 1min, up to 30-50reps
  8. right leg: side lunge, 1min, up to 30-50reps
  9. triceps dip, 1min, up to 30-50reps
  10. cross lunge, 1min, up to 30-50reps

II. part - Abs
  1. central crunches, 1min, up to 30reps
  2. alternate side to side crunch, 1min, up to 30reps
  3. one side crunch, 1min, up to 30reps
  4. other side crunch, 1min, up to 30reps
  5. reverse crunch, 1min, up to 30reps
  6. drop knees, 1min, up to 30reps
  7. legs lifted and pulse, 1min, up to 30reps
  8. plank - hand x foot touch, 1min, up to 30reps

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), #3

Hello guys,

About a year ago I set myself a fitness goal. My goal was and still is to get stronger, leaner, improve my fitness level and endurance. So far, I can say I reached my goal and I am still working on myself. How do I know, that I reached my goal? It is not about weight. It is about strength and endurance, it is about the number of repetitions I am able to do in each minute in interval training and ability to breathe through the workout. And because I do track number of reps in each routine, I see improvement and I am proud of myself.

Now, back to you guys. What is your goal? Are you really working hard to reach your goal? Do you do smart healthy diet choices? Are you consistent in your training? If so, you should see your results.

Try this great Fat Burn Workout routine, only 30min, but I promise, you will burn lots of calories, burn fat, improve your fitness level and get in great shape!

Stay focused, never give up and be proud of yourself. That is the key to your success and happiness.


  • it is interval training
  • try to do maximum reps in each minute
  • you can have quick rest between each minute 5-15sec
  • in each minute try to do 30reps and more up to 50reps
  • there is big difference if you do only 10 push ups in a minute or 30 push ups, so challenge yourself, do your best!
  • stretch after workout
  • it is fun, so enjoy it!
  1.  jump rope, 5min
  2. squat x jump, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  3. alternate lunge back x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  4. alternate cross lunge x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  5. alternate lunge forward x kick, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  6. squat x twist, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  7. in plank alternate leg lift, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  8. push ups, 1min - up to 30 reps or more
  9. reverse push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  10. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  11. jumping jacks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  12. cross country sky, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  13. spider, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  14. kicks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  15. push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  16. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  17. sumo squat, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  18. jump rope, 5min
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Glutes Big Time Workout

Hello guys,

Can you imagine everything and everybody in this world would be perfect without any effort, challenge?

It would be awesome and so easy! In real life nothing and nobody is perfect. We all deserve to look great, feel great, but we have to earn "perfect" body - perfect glutes, abs, innerthighs, arms, chest, back...

Let`s earn perfect glutes and legs with this great strengthening lower body routine.

Enjoy the workout!


Do 30reps of each exercise.
1. alternate legs: lunge forward x lunge back x cross lunge x tuck jump, 30reps
2. squat x dead lift x squat down to plank and alternate leg lift, 30reps
3. right leg: hamstring curl x leg back x knee up, 30reps
4. left leg: hamstring curl x leg back x knee up, 30reps
5. bridge: keep your heels up, knees in x out, 30reps

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fit Tip - Intervals on the bike

Hello guys,

recently I have tried new cardio routine on the bike and want to share it with you, because I liked it so much and it was new challenge for me. I like to keep my cardio workout interesting, fun and effective.
Aerobic exercise also known as "cardio" is one of the best things you can do for your body, whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or improve your health. There are plenty of choices for cardio exercise. Great choices for cardio are: running, cross-country skiing, bicycling, elliptical, swimming, step aerobics, rowing, kickboxing, walking, jumping rope.
Cycling is an excellent cardio workout. By using the power of your legs, you increase endurance while burning lots of calories (250-500 in 30min), depending on your intensity and resistance of the workout. Cycling is excellent low impact workout, great for your joints.

When i tried intervals on the bike I started to get sweat after 6min. It is great challenge, no doubt. Interval training helps to fight osteoporosis, boost metabolism, improve endurance, build strength, reduce stress and also control appetite.

If you want to lose weight, get in great shape, improve endurance and develop strenght, try interval training. For best results 3 times per week.
I highly recommend interval training on the bike, so give it a try. Your body deserve it, you deserve it.


Fit tip - Intervals on the bike

Total time: 20min, calorie burn: 250-500
Warm up: 5min, level 13
sprint: 1min (go as fast as you can), level 13
recover: 2min, level 13
sprint: 1min, level 13
recover: 2min, level 13
sprint: 1min, level 13
recover: 2min, level 13
sprint: 1min, level 13
recover: 2min, level 13
cool down: 3min, level 12-1

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), #2

Hello guys,

while I was in the Czech republic, I have decided not to attend the gym. I had few reasons for it. One of the reason was to save the money and have a rest from the gym, because I almost live in the gym and it is good to have a rest from the gym once a while.

I am very active person, so after 3 days of visiting my family and friends, I decided to do at least 30min of intensive workout (HIIT) every day. Instead of spending hours in the gym I spent every day only 30min and had better results than working out in the gym. I could see great changes on my abs, glutes, legs, also my arms got much stronger.

Nobody is born to be perfect. Perfect is made by us. Only you can make your body perfect and it is worthy.

Lots of energy to all of you,


Complete two rounds, take a very short brake between each exercises (5-10sec) and try to do as many reps in each minute as possible.

One round
  1. jumping jacks, 1min
  2. twist, 1min
  3. low jack, 1min
  4. cross country sky, 1min
  5. squats, 1min
  6. alternate lunge back x kick, 1min
  7. right leg: alternate lunge forward x knee up, 1min
  8. left leg: alternate lunge forward x knee up, 1min
  9. alternate leg back, 1min
  10. push ups, 1min
  11. dips, 1min
  12. right leg: single leg dead lift, 1min
  13. left leg: single leg dead lift, 1min
  14. bicycle crunches, 1min
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Anti-Aging Superfood

Hello guys,

we all want to be healthy, look perfect and be happy. Healthy diet is important if you want to reach your fitness goals. You can make your diet healthier with smart choices.
Anti-aging superfoods have been around for ever, but we have been so brain washed into eating fast foods, pre packaget and pre cooked food, that we have forgotten what older generation taught us.

My grandmother died when she was 96, my grandfather died when he was 94. They both were living very heatlhy, I remember my grandpa used to exercise every morning, he always did 30 push ups, 30 knee bend, 30 sit up. Grandma always told me to eat blueberries, almonds, honey and dark chocolate.

Anti-aging superfoods are honest to goodness fresh fruits, veggies, fish, nuts, beans, natural honey and dark chocolate. They are high in antioxidants or Omega 3s.

If we stop eating manufactured processed food, we could all live healthier lives. Change your habits and start eating healthier with anti-aging superfoods.
Check out the list of Anti-aging superfoods.

With love,


Anti-aging superfoods:
  1. acai berries (contain powerful antioxidants)
  2. almonds (lower cholesterol, vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, magnesium and potassium)
  3. avocado (contain about 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients)
  4. bananas (high in potassium)
  5. beans
  6. berries, cherries, grapes (excellent source of antioxidants)
  7. blueberries (best absorbable antioxidants)
  8. broccoli (great source of beta carotene, vitamin K, C, selenium and chromium, contains  potassium, calcium)
  9. chocolate (unsweetened dry powder or bar - antioxidant power)
  10. garlic and onions (allium, flavonoids - help to fight cancer)
  11. green tea (anticancer and antioxidant effects)
  12. ginger root (great as food and also in medicine)
  13. honey (vitamins, minerals, darker honey contains more antioxidants than lighter honey)
  14. kiwi (tons of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals)
  15. oats (cholesterol lowering power, enhances the immune system, stabilizes blood sugar, excellent source of fiber)
  16. olive oil (monounsaturated fat, lowers blood pressure)
  17. oranges (high in vitamins, which boost the immune system)
  18. pomegranates (high in vitamins C, potassium, good source of fiber)
  19. pumpkin (loaded with antioxidants, beta carotenes, carotenoids)
  20. red wine (loaded with antioxidants)
  21. salmon (loaded with Omega 3s)
  22. spinach (excellent source of vitamin C, A)
  23. tomatoes (packed with potassium)
  24. turkey (low in fat, high in protein)
  25. yogurt (live yogurt)

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Abs you like

Hello guys,

this is a great mix of core-strength exercises.
Strengthen your core muscles, including abdominal muscles, back muscles and the muscles around the pelvis. Strong core make it easier to do many physical activities.  

For best results add Fat Burn Workouts. Everyone deserves perfect lean body and  only YOU can change your body. As one of you said: "You can`t buy perfect lean body in Wallmart" and I loved that.:-)
Remember, to see body transformation results you need to be strong minded, patient, consistent.
Simply - NEVER GIVE UP. Then you will be surprise with the way your body looks like.

  1. dive crunches, 30reps
  2. dive crunches, one leg lifted, 30reps
  3. dive crunches, (switch leg) one leg lifted, 30reps
  4. alternate arm x opposite leg touch, 30reps
  5. legs lifted, twist your torso and touch the floor on each side (modification: keep feet on the floor), 30reps
  6. bicycle crunch, 30reps
  7. reverse crunch x knees on shoulder x reach up (modification: knees on shoulders), 30reps

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