Thursday, January 31, 2013

MELT BELLY FAT Workout, 10min

Hello guys,

This week I focus on intervals a lot and did already 3 interval Melt Fat Workouts.
All of them are very challenging, very effective and you have the chance to get in great shape with me. Whoever does my workouts, after some time (2-3 weeks) tells me: Pavla, I am getting leaner! My abs is getting ripped! I am losing fat! Finally!
I love fitness, I love helping people to lose fat and seeing great results. I see overweight people and kids around me a lot and I am always thinking, this is something they CAN change, they just do not know HOW.
I did this routine after Melt Fat Workout 1, because my body was in burning mode and therefore ready to burn extra belly fat. You can do this abs workout by itself or as additional workout to your training.
I have also good news for those of you, who can not do high impact or intervals. I will start shooting Bodywork (total body) workouts, that are low impact and excellent for toning and losing fat as well.
Let`s do the abs routine for getting nice, defined, ripped abs. Strong is not only good because it looks good, but also it helps you to keep your back healthy!

Have a great day and enjoy the workout!


  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • ten minutes long
  • exhale when you contract the muscle, inhale as you release
  • do not put the chin on your chest, imagine you have and orange under your chin
  • to prevent your lower back, in some exercises keep your hands under your hips

Workout routine
  1. hold in plank, 1min
  2. bicycle crunch, 1min
  3. scissors, 1min
  4. side: elbow x knee touch, 1min
  5. other side: elbow x knee touch, 1min
  6. alternate leg x arms touch, 1min
  7. reverse crunch, 1min
  8. bent your knees, lift up your upper body up to your knees, 1min
  9. cross the leg and crunch, 1min
  10. cross the other leg and crunch, 1min


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