Friday, January 4, 2013

60 Days Training - DAY 60

Hello guys,

I hope you are as happy as I am, because my notebook, that I splashed with water was fixed:-) and I have all the fitness videos again! Especially videos from Dominican republic are great - short, easy to follow and effective. I start posting them next week.
Today is the last day of 60 Days Training! You should see the difference. You are stronger, leaner, fit and feeling great. Training today is great total body workout. Main focus is on your abs. Abs is defined not only by crunches, but also other exercises like alternate leg cross over the chair or plank... After this workout I added 30min jogging on treadmill and 45min of stair master. After Christmas it is exactly, what I need.
As you exercise regularly, your body needs more energy. Watch your diet, make healthy choices. Make your diet rich of fruit and vegetables, healthy carbs (whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetable), healthy fats, lean protein and sources of calcium. Eat in moderation, often, smaller portions, eat with people, not in front of television or computer.
It is so easy to give advices and hard to follow. You need to be motivated. Set your fitness goal, for example: how many %  body fat you want to lose, how many reps of push ups you want to do, how long you can stay in plank position. Your fitness goal can be also to wear a dress from your skinny years or be able to run up the hill without gasping. Once you set your fitness goal, set the time you want to reach it and go for it.
What is coming in the next few days. I love my blog page and will be posting always something interesting. You can expect posts about clean diet, fitness workouts, workout challenges.
Remember, you inspire me and I try to inspire you. Whenever you think you are out of shape, whenever you give up your hope to change it, I am here to motivate you and help you. We all are on the same boat. We try to be perfect, but we know that nothing and nobody is perfect in this world. But at least you can try to be as close to perfect as possible. I try and I have my hope. Do you have yours?

Enjoy the workout!

  3. STAIR MASTER 45min


  • do up to 30reps of each exercise
  • write down how many reps you do
  • I use 8lbs dumbbells
  • warm up and cool down after workout

Workout routine:
  1. alternate front step up x knee up, arms are up, 30reps
  2. elevated push ups, 30reps
  3. alternate leg cross over, 30reps
  4. plank: alternate leg and point the floor with your toes, 30reps
  5. triceps dip, 30reps
  6. reverse fly, 8lbs dumbbells, 30reps
  7. elevated side lunge,  press down and up, right leg, 30reps
  8. elevated side lunge, press down and up, left leg, 30reps
  9. plank, alternate knee in and out, 30reps
  10. alternate front raises and side raises, 30reps
  11. plank, alternate knee to the side, 30reps

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