Wednesday, January 30, 2013

METL FAT WORKOUT # 1 - 30min

Hello guys,

I get really great ideas at night, when everybody is sleeping except me, thinking about everything, then I usually come up with great ideas.
I came up with new series of Melt Fat Workout.
This type of workout is interval training, very challenging, catching, intense and extremely effective. The major focus is on melting fat. This training is excellent for those who want to lose weight, get in great shape, tone muscles, build strength, improve endurance, athletes, people who want to move to higher fitness level.
If you are beginner, I would first build your fitness level with my Total body workouts and after couple weeks (4 or so) I would try this type of workout.
It takes only 30min, but you get sweat like two hours on treadmill and so you do burn hundreds calories, fat and boost metabolism.
If you still feel like you want to tone some part of your body, you can add upper body, lower body or abs routine.
I am so proud of you guys, fitness is my life, it changed my life to better one and I hope you feel the same way. Whenever you are losing hope and motivation, just let me know and I help you to get back on your feet.
Enjoy this great workout!
  • interval training
  • not recommended for beginners, if you are new to exercise than try my Total body workouts first for 3-4 weeks, after that you can try Melt Fat Workout,
  • do 3 rounds
  • one round = 10min
  • drink whenever you need to
  • have a short rest whenever you need
  • do not give up, modify
  • challenge yourself
One round:
  1. jump rope or jogging, 1min
  2. sprint runners, 1min
  3. alternate jumping knee & elbow touch, 1min
  4. push up & mountain sky climber (4 counts), 1min
  5. alternate side lunge, 1min
  6. squat & jump forward & jump back, 1min
  7. spider, 1min
  8. pike - alternate leg lift, 1min
  9. bridge - leg lifted, hips ground touch and lift, 1min
  10. bridge - switch leg, hips ground touch and lift, 1min
1. MELT FAT WORKOUT 1 - first round, 10min
2. MELT FAT WORKOUT 1 - another two rounds
3. MELT FAT WORKOUT 1 - conclusion
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