Tuesday, December 6, 2011



Woman and cellulite, it looks like we all have this problem. Let`s face it and talk about it.

We should realize that nobody is perfect in this world and cellulite is part of our life. Cellulite appears at all ages. Cellulite can affect both skinny and overweight people as well.
Eating a healthful, balanced diet and exercising may be the best way to reduce the fat content in cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a term used to describe the dimpled appearance of skin caused by fat deposits that are just below the surface of the skin. It generally appears on skin in the abdomen, lower limbs, and pelvic region, and it usually occurs after puberty. Cellulite is also known as an orange peel syndrome, cottage cheese skin. Cellulite occurs in both men and women, but it is much more common in women because they are more likely to have particular types of fat and connective tissue.

What causes cellulite?
It can be:
- Hormonal factors – hormones likely play an important role in cellulite development. Many believe estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process
- Genetics – genes may predispose an individual to particular characteristics associated with cellulite, such as gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat just underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency
- Diet people who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite
- Lifestyle factors – cellulite may be more prevalent in smokers, those who do not exercise and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time
- Clothing – underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks (limit blood flow) may contribute to the formation of cellulite

Can we fight against cellulite?
Yes, we can! Build muscle and lose fat. Exercise program that balances both cardio and strength training can significantly reduce cellulite. Lean muscle gives the legs a smooth and firm look by tightening the skin and supporting the natural legs a smooth and firm look by tightening the skin and supporting the natural subcutaneous fat layer that cannot be removed by cardio exercise.

What exercises are recommended to reduce cellulite?
Women should focus on leg exercises for cellulite that work the hips, legs and buttocks like the squat, leg curls, lunges and the leg press machine or body weight exercises.
How often should I exercise to see results?
Best of all, effective anti-cellulite exercises can be conducted in as little as 40 minutes, 3 days per week.

How can cellulite be prevented?
Eating healthy, low fat foods such as fruits, vegetables, and fiber can help one to avoid cellulite. Exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing stress are recommended to prevent cellulite. In addition wearing thongs, boyshorts, or looser fitting undergarments can prevent cellulite that might form due to tight elastic.

I used to play sports then I quit. I have a problem with my Thights, they get fat very quickly compared by the rest of my body + lately I am suffering from cellulite in this part.
If I followed your exercise workout the one in the below link everyday, after how many months I will get the desired result?


1. squats, 50 reps
2. plie position and lift both heels up and down, 50 reps
3. plie position, heels are up all the time, keep pulsing down and up, 50 reps
4. squat plie, 50 reps
5. squat and alternate leg side, 50 reps

I focus on lower body and abs exercises and abs - exercises that reduce cellulite. Just one thing to realize - we all have cellulite, overweight or thin. So it is part of our life and we should accept that. But we can fight against that too. First results you can see in 4-6 weeks. Be patient, it really works.

How do I fight with cellulite? I tell you what works for me. Cellulite usually appears when I quickly gain weight. Then if I regularly exercise it goes away. 

Three basic steps to fight cellulite:
  1. strengthening training,   4-5 times per week (your legs get stronger, leaner, toned)
  2. cardio workout, 4-5 times per week at least for 30min (walking, jogging, cycling,elliptical, kickboxing, dancing, or any other type of cardio that you like and keep your heart rate lifted)
  3. drink plenty of water. Not soda drink, but pure water. Water cleans your body, helps to reduce your cellulite. Sweet water makes opposite - it actually support cellulite. I force my clients to
Our body get used  to everything, try to change your cardio once a while. Try to do  one week cycling, another week running, another week elliptical. That way your body can not get used to only one type of cardio and is burning calories - fat.
Cardio is a great helper against cellulite. But remember cardio by itself does not work, your body gets smaller, but still cellulite appears. 

Diet tips agains cellulite: drink plenty of water, avoid fast food and processed food, avoid of sugary foods.

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